"Die Manchmal Gruene Weide" describes the 10 acre piece of land we are in the process of buying in East-Central Texas in Milam County. For years I've had a dream of owning a piece of land on which to grow an orchard, a decent garden, and re-connect with the hunting I grew up with. As the mood strikes me I will share with whomever is interested the progress we make in the purchase and development of the land.
Currently the irregular shaped layout consists of 3.5 acres of unimproved pasture with native and invasive grasses and forbes, and 6.5 acres of woods that is connected to a broad swath of woods across several miles of adjacent properties. within the woods I have seen deer and boar sign. The property is fenced on three sides. The fourth side will require a short stretch of fence to enclose it all. Because proper care of native pasture requires occasional controlled burns or grazing, I intend to fence the open side and allow our neighbor to infrequently graze the land.
For the orchard, it is my intention to build a shed from which I will harvest rain water into a tank to water the orchard with drip irrigation.