Another visit to Die Weide today. Forecast temperature 103 F (39 C) in Austin. I don't know if it reached 100 F at Die Weide, but it sure felt like it. Today Inge and I headed out to the North fenceline to begin clearing. We got there late - 9 a.m. and it was past 10 a.m. by the time we unloaded and I mowed around the Picnic Pecan so it was brutally hot by fence clearing time.
We started in chopping brambles and had several yards of easy going before we hit a thick patch that surrounded a deceased Mesquite Tree. Mesquite trees don't normally grow very tall or thick. Before this one had died though, it had a tree trunk bigger around than my waist. It still wasn't tall but it was thick. I've noticed that there are about 8 to 10 of these dead, but very thick mesquite trees on the property in the pasture area. I think someone poisoned them because several years ago Mesquite trees were considered pests to be eradicated. As a woodworker this makes me sad because Mesquite wood is exceptionally hard and has beautiful figure. I would love to craft Mesquite into extremely beautiful wood items. Interestingly, when I cut a limb from the tree, I found that it still had very sound wood inside - a statement about the hardness and durability of Mesquite. I hope I can salvage some Mesquite from the property - even if only for pens and bowls turned on the lathe.
We bramble-hacked an hour before the heat took its toll and forced our surrender. We joined Melissa under the Picnic Pecan and sat and rested in the shady breeze. To me it was very comfortable - yes it was hot, but the shade and breeze made it pleasant to me. We enjoyed sandwiches and fruit for lunch, and lots of water to drink. By 1 p.m. though the ladies had reached their heat tolerance and we packed up and headed home. I found it odd that I was comfortable under the shady breeze, but really noticed how hot it was once I fired up the truck's air conditioning.
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