Our visits to the land of late have been a bit sporadic due to the accident on Oct 6th. (I suffered rib injuries when my truck was totaled by red light runner.) Although we went out last two weekends, this weekend was the first time since the accident that we could clear fence line again. I had to give up after only an hour due to rib and shoulder pain. We cleared abut 200 feet because there were long stretches without brambles. In the last two months we've cleared 600 feet along the north fence with about 325 feet to go. A lot of the rest is in the deep woods though. Once the North fence is cleared, we'll be done clearing fence because the West fence is in good shape and needs no repairs. Both the north and south fences need work to repair wire that has become detached. The choice I get to make is repairing wire, or stringing electric fence. We won't mess with it until the East fence and gate is installed. I really hope we can get that done in December. I think we have budget for fence, but the water harvesting shed may need to wait until next year. I had really hoped to build the shed this year.
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