Fact - One inch of rain falling on one square foot of roof can gather 0.623 gallons of water. However, with evaporation, flush systems, and gutter overflow losses, using 0.5 gallons per inch per square foot is a more realistic estimate. For a shed roof of 12x22 ft dimensions every one inch rainfall event can collect 132 gallons of water. Die Gruene Weide is in an area that has an annual average rainfall of 34 inches, for a potential of almost 4500 gallons of "free" water. Free after the cost of the shed and gutters and tank, that is. Considering the water company wants us to fork over almost $5 grand to put in a water meter, and still have monthly payments for the water consumed, the ~$2 grand for the shed and tank and free water thereafter will be a bargain.
To start with I purchased a food-grade 330 gallon tank that will be sufficient for the first four trees of our modest orchard plans. Next year, the water tank I intend to install within our budget and water use model is a 1500 gallon tank, which should be enough to water at least 18 trees.
Tank, in hand (or on land) it became imperative to start shed building. Especially since Inge was skeptical that we could fill the tank. I wagered that by the beginning of summer, the tank would be at least half full. In order for the tank to be half full, I needed to start the shed! For this blog, I'll let the pictures tell the story - which occurred over two days.
Lunch Fit for Construction Work! |
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