Sunday, April 1, 2012

Long Time no Wreit-e Weide - catch-up-post

Wow!I have neglected writing here for a long, long time. That's not to say we haven't been enjoying Die Weide, because we have been out there way more weekends than not. The drought persisted until January and Die Weide baked to a crisp as the rest of Texas did in the heat. It makes me wonder if this is not something that will become a frequent occurrence with global warming.

Anyway, it has been incredibly busy out there. My brother, and sometimes Inge, and I drilled the well down about 15' deep before we hit a bunch of rocks that broke up into chunks too big for the vacuum to suck up. So Kenny and I built a bigger vacuum, but he went to work in Houston, and Inge worked most weekends since then leaving me without a drilling crew to make further progress. We will make it though. The compressor drill works great except it is pretty slow chewing through limestone and chunks of flint chert.

Two weeks ago Kenny and I enclosed the shed behind the water tank. I was tired of having to lug gardening tools back and forth and it also can serve as an impromptu tent in a pinch. Now we've got shovels, post-hole diggers, rakes, and other gardening tools right there to work with. Next weekend I'll spend some time arranging the storage space in the shed for efficiency.

I went to Die Weide twice last week. The previous Tuesday I went out to meet a field engineer for Bartlett Electric to find out what it would take to drop power service on the property. As I drove out there I was following a widespread rainstorm that we've frequently been blessed with since January. I decieded to see what the natural pond looked like shortly after a heavy rain and picture above is from the natural pond in the woods and it's the first time I've seen the pond full to the point of overflowing the entire width of the dam. It was beautiful to see and hear and I took a video of it too. As soon as I figure posting on youtube out I'll post it for family to enjoy. The field service engineer, Shawn, and I had a great conversation when we both discovered we're Army Vets. He too is looking to pick up property via the Texas Veterans Land Board. My 12 years of cold war service paled compared to his as he is both an Iraq and Afghanistan war vet with some pretty harrowing tales. Anyway, it turns out that it's not too hard or expensive to drop a line on the property, but they only go straight from their pole to just inside my propery line and I have to run line from the service pole (which I have to install) to the cabin site and the shed. Last weekend Kenny and I built a fence around the garden to keep the critters out. I didn't take pictures of that because we were working our butts off.

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