Saturday, September 28, 2013

Future Vampire Protection and Cam Buck

Planting a box of garlic
 Inge and I went out for our usual Herbie water and feed trip today. We watered the orchard using the well for the first time and my main chore for the day was to plant the garlic I bought. Turns out I bought a lot! I planted four rows with about 22 bulbs per row. So somewhere between 88 and 90 plants if they all come up. I had so many that we brought the remaining cloves back home and will plant another couple dozen in the home raised bed gardens too. (Along with planting fall cabbage, spinach, and lettuce.)

If this year's onions are any indication, we should have a lot of garlic next year! Inge weaved the onion we harvested in June into large clumps that we're still eating. I look forward to seeing woven garlic hanging in the house too. Look out vampires!

Garlic Patch
According to a couple of articles I read, garlic grows larger if subjected to a chill period and one article recommended for Texas gardeners to chill the cloves in the refrigerator for some time to induce the chilled growth improvement. Due to schedule constraints, I chilled the cloves for over three weeks. I hope we get some huge cloves as a result!

Critter Cam - Young Buck
I planted the trail cam to point at a faint trail across a dry creek bed. The cam, as usual, got a lot of Herbie the donkey pictures, a night-time raccoon picture, and this picture of a young buck checking out the camera before bolting in the next picture.

Forecast is for rain overnight tonight. The land is dry enough that every bit of rain helps. I didn't water in the garlic in the hopes the rain will water them in for me.

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