Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tall Prickly Meadow

 Today Inge and I took the new trail Stephen and I cleaned up last week and when we stepped through the newly opened wood copse into this meadow we had to stop and gaze in awe at the splash of flowers here. Last week I told Stephen that I've named this meadow, The Big Prickly Meadow. Maybe after this week I should rename it to "Bloomin' Big Prickly Meadow".

Here's a close-up of big prickly in a bed of flowers.

Inge posing by Big Prickly in the meadow.

 I started the blog with the meadow because that was the "catch of the day". We headed out to Die Gruene Weide for a short visit before leaving for NEW YORK CITY! to attend our daughter's Columbia University Commencement and a real live Broadway show.  We didn't bring water for the orchard and garden because it had rained during the week. At home we got more than 5 inches of rain over a week. During every rain event I watched the radar over the land but the only rain I saw on the radar occurred Thursday evening. The rain gauge showed 6/10ths. Thorndale,  only 10 minutes south of Die Weide got 2 inches so we didn't get the best of the rain. We took a walk to load a memory stick in critter cam and find a new home for it. The last batch of critter cam pictures had only Herbert the donkey pictures so I needed to move critter cam to a less traveled path.

Here's the weekly garden progress picture from the usual watermelon corner. The watermelons and cantaloupe are blooming.

Different vantage point showing the sunlight through the corn leaves and the blooming yellow squash. The yellow squash is looking extremely healthy.

Here's my first yellow squash fruit. I don't have a clue how to tell when it's time to harvest squash so I'll have to do some research later. I do know it's too small right now.

What I find amazing is that the raspberries and blackberries are producing fruit this year - we only planted them a few weeks ago! These were totally yummy! All I know is that my berry production is going up by a LOT of plants because these are fantastic!

And for reference here's the compost heap I built from free pallets I scrounged. Looks like doo-doo, but it will serve its purpose anyway.

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